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A professional association management company

This year marks 24 years of IFMA Atlanta’s partnership with Association Headquarters. IFMA Chapters around the world have Executive Boards, Committee Chairs and Committee Members who are all participating as a volunteer. None of us are employed by our Chapter. Without the continuity of AHQI these past 24 years, we would not be one of the strongest IFMA Chapters in the world. Those of us who volunteer our time and energy come and go. Our jobs change, our families relocate, we retire, etc. As we come and go, in and out of our organization, the glue that holds all of us together is AHQI.

The Thomas family is committed to our Association’s Management. They keep all of our records, handle all transactional business for us, show up and participate at all of our events, Board Meetings, Committee meetings and more. When we have a question…they have the answer. When we have a need…they have the solution.

If you are looking for a legitimate, true to their word, committed, professional management company for your Association, I encourage you to consider AHQI.

—Debi G. IFMA Atlanta President


Association Headquarters (AHQI) and the Georgia Chapter of the American Subcontractors Association (ASA GA) share a common vision of a strong and vibrant contractor community here in the state of Georgia. AHQI has helped ASA GA meet the challenges of the construction industry, such as the ongoing skilled labor shortage, and helped ASA GA become the eyes, ears and voice for all subcontractors who are willing to join together and help make the construction industry stronger. AHQI is helping ASA GA meet their goal of bringing education, advocacy, technology innovations and labor issues to those who see the need for one, strong voice for the construction industry.

—Don C.  ASA GA President

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